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Information on the internal complaint procedure


Information on the internal complaint procedure, as well as extrajudicial consumer dispute resolution methods


The Bank shall resolve any disputes and disagreements based on a consumer written or oral complaint.

The consumer may submit a written complaint at any Bank branch, send it to UniCredit Bank Slovenija d.d. Šmartinska 140, 1000 Ljubljana (with the indication Complaint Management), via electronic banking (Online bank), via e-mail to the competent contact person at the Bank's branch, to the Bank's e-mail address or via the web portal here.

The consumer may submit an oral complaint in person or by telephone at any Bank branch or by contacting the Bank contact centre at 080 8800. The Bank shall only be obliged to reply to complaints submitted in writing.

A client complaint should be fully clear and comprehensible and should contain a description of the facts that are the object of the complaint. It should include the following:

  • Data on the complaining party (name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone);
  • A description of the grounds for the complaint and the event or an indication of the key facts and the date of the event;
  • An indication of the documents the complaint relates to;
  • The submission of evidence confirming the facts on which the complaint is based;
  • Contact details for sending a reply;
  • Client signature (when a complaint is sent by post to the address of the Bank's head office).

A client compensation claim must contain all the mandatory elements of a complaint and is to be submitted in writing. If it is not submitted in writing or is incomplete, the conditions for its consideration shall not be fulfilled.

The Bank shall only handle complete and properly submitted complaints. In the case of incomplete, incomprehensible or unclear client complaint, the Bank shall invite the client to supplement the complaint within an 8-day deadline. The invitation for complaint supplementation shall interrupt the complaint-handling deadline. In this case, the complaint procedure, and thus the deadline for resolving the complaint and submitting the reply to the complaint, will begin on the day following the day of the receipt of a complete or supplemented complaint. If the client fails to supplement the complaint within the indicated deadline, the Bank shall be obliged to reject it.

If it is not possible to resolve the complaint or objection within the indicated deadline due to the complexity of the case, the Bank shall inform the customer of the estimated date of the final solution of the complaint in writing.

The Bank will decide on the complaint as soon as possible or at the latest within the time limit set by the regulations in force.

Complaints regarding payment transmission services covered by the Payment Services, Electronic Money Issuance Services and Payment Systems Act (ZPlaSSIED) shall be replied by the Bank no later than 15 working days after the receipt of all relevant documentation. If the reply cannot be given within 15 working days due to exceptional circumstances, the Bank shall send an interim reply to the customer in which it explains delays or provide an adequate explanation. The explanation must specify a deadline by which the customer will receive the final reply. The deadline may not exceed 35 days.

For complaints, not related to payment transmission services, the Bank shall reply to the customer within 8 days after the receipt of all relevant documentation.

More information regarding the rights of individuals in the field of data protection is available in General information on the processing of personal data.

The consumer shall have the right to file an objection on the reply of the bank. The Bank shall send a decision on the objection with appropriate explanations in writing to the customer's indicated address within 15 working days. This shall constitute the final decision of the Bank and the Bank's internal complaint procedure shall thus be completed.

If the consumer is not satisfied with the Bank's final decision in the internal complaint procedure or if the Bank fails to reasonably decide on his/her complaint within 30 days, he/she may initiate an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute before the Bank Association of Slovenia - GIZ, Ljubljana, Šubičeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, telephone: +386 (0) 1 24 29 700, e-mail: in accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act (hereinafter: the ZlsRPS) within a maximum of 13 months from the final decision in the internal complaint procedure or from the expiry of the deadline for handling complaints.

Legal persons, entrepreneurs, private individuals, communities and other civil law entities

Information on the internal complaint procedure for legal persons, entrepreneurs, private individuals, communities and other civil law entities

The Bank shall resolve any disputes and disagreements based on the written or oral complaint of a legal person, entrepreneur, private individual, community or other person under civil law (hereinafter: the complainant).

The complainant may submit a written complaint at any Bank branch, send it to UniCredit Bank Slovenija d.d. Šmartinska 140, 1000 Ljubljana (with the indication Complaint Monitoring), via electronic banking (BusinessNet or E-bank), via e-mail to the competent contact person at the Bank's branch, to the Bank's e-mail address or via the web portal here.

The complainant may submit an oral complaint in person or by telephone at any Bank branch or by contacting the Bank contact centre at 080 8800. The Bank shall only be obliged to reply to complaints submitted in writing.

A complaint should be fully clear and comprehensible and should contain a description of the facts that are the object of the complaint. It should include the following:

Data on the complaining party (name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone or title and registered office of the legal person or holder of activity);

  • A description of the grounds for the complaint and the event or an indication of the key facts and the date of the event;
  • An indication of documents the complaint relates to;
  • The submission of evidence confirming the facts on which the complaint is based;
  • Contact details for sending a reply;
  • Client signature (when a complaint is sent by post to the address of the Bank's head office).

A compensation claim must contain all the mandatory elements of a complaint and is to be submitted in writing. If it is not submitted in writing or is incomplete, the conditions for its consideration shall not be fulfilled.

The Bank shall only handle complete and properly submitted complaints. In the case of incomplete, incomprehensible or unclear complaint, the Bank shall invite the complainant to supplement the complaint within an 8-day deadline. The invitation for complaint supplementation shall interrupt the complaint-handling deadline. In this case, the complaint procedure, and thus the deadline for resolving the complaint and submitting the reply to the complaint, will begin on the day following the day of the receipt of a complete or supplemented complaint. If the complainant fails to supplement the complaint within the indicated deadline, the Bank shall be obliged to reject it.

The Bank will decide on the complaint as soon as possible or no later than 15 working days after the receipt of all relevant documentation.  If it is not possible to resolve the complaint or objection within the indicated deadline due to the complexity of the case, the Bank shall inform the complainant in writing of the reasons thereof and the estimated date of the final solution of the complaint, which shall not exceed 35 working days from the date of receipt of the complete complaint. The complainant shall have the right to file an objection. The Bank shall send a decision on the objection with appropriate explanations in writing to the client's address within 15 working days. This shall constitute the final decision of the Bank and the Bank's internal complaint procedure shall thus be completed.

UniCredit Banka Slovenija d.d.

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